Are we able to leave the fairgrounds and come back in again?
Krystal Hopkins2021-05-18T21:49:54-04:00No, we cannot allow in and out privileges. Please ensure to bring everything you may need such as a sweatshirt for those cool evenings.
No, we cannot allow in and out privileges. Please ensure to bring everything you may need such as a sweatshirt for those cool evenings.
Outside food and beverages, pets, weapons, offensive clothing, alcohol, smoking products, illegal drugs and any other items considered to not be appropriate for a family-oriented atmosphere.
No. Only service animals or performer’s dogs are admissible. Service dogs may be asked for certification documents at the Front Gate to gain entry, that may be refused at gate security’s complete discretion.
Yes but we request you respect other’s privacy. Please consult Guest Policies for full details.
With a variety of tented and outdoor activities taking place during the 10 days of the fair, the Capital Fair operates rain or shine. Some outdoor attractions or shows may be postponed or canceled in the event of an electrical storm for the safety of both our performers and visitors. The fair is not responsible for any schedule changes due to inclement weather.
There will be daily schedules available at the midway’s Guest Services Booth when you pick up your midway tickets, or you can check for daily schedules and features.
No. Our no food or drink policy is in place for security purposes and to respect our food vendors.