Guest Policy

Pets on Site

With the exception of appropriately documented service and competition/performing animals, pets are not allowed on the Capital Fairgrounds during the Fair. The Fair and our parking lots are on private property. We reserve the right to rescue pets left alone in parked cars and in our judgment appear to be in distress. Any damage and/or costs incurred resulting are the responsibility of the pet/vehicle owner.


You may not bring alcohol into the Capital Fairgrounds. It can be purchased in licensed areas within the Capital Fair.

Bicycles, Skateboards & In-Line Skates

In the interest of pedestrian safety, bicycles, in-line skates. skateboards or two wheel scooters are not allowed on the Capital Fairgrounds during the Fair.

Disabled Persons

The Capital Fair strives at all times to deliver its attractions and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all of our guests, including those with disabilities.
We are committed to meeting your needs in a timely manner, to help you to the very best of our ability, and to uphold with pride the accessibility requirements outlined in the AODA (The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act).


You may not bring food, drinks and/or coolers into the Capital Fair.


Smoking is not allowed on the Capital Fairgrounds. Smoking is permitted in the parking lots.

Code of Conduct

  • Access to Client Services or Security personnel is available at the Main Office at the front of the Fairgrounds during regular Fair hours.
  • The Capital Fair asks for everyone’s cooperation in ensuring the continued safety of guests and staff.
  • We reserve the right to inspect bags and purses. We recommend that you secure all unnecessary valuables in the trunk of your vehicle. For safety reasons, bags are NOT permitted on rides.
  • The Capital Fair is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  • Please be considerate of other guests. Line jumping, unruly behaviour or profanity will not be tolerated. Offenders will be ejected from the Fair. Ride bracelets will be withdrawn and no refund given. Observe all warnings and rules and instructions where posted.

Guests who demonstrate inappropriate and disruptive behavior, including the following, are subject to removal from the premises:

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Possession of any weapon or any type of object that could be used as a weapon
  • Possession of illegal drugs
  • Bringing alcoholic onto Capital Fair property
  • Obscene, offensive or abusive language or actions
  • Fighting, aggressive behavior, taunting, or threatening remarks or gestures
  • Dangerous, abusive, profane or illegal behavior
  • Unruly or inconsiderate behavior
  • Indecent exposure or undressing
  • Wearing obscene or indecent clothing
  • Smoking in a non-designated smoking area
  • Interfering with security procedures
  • Interfering with the progress of any event or attraction
  • Selling or distributing merchandise on Capital Fair property without prior approval
  • Rehashing / scalping tickets on Capital Fair property without prior approval
  • Possession of any Items deemed unreasonable for a public event
  • Other conduct beyond reasonable behavior for guests attending a family oriented event


  • Cameras are not permitted on rides.
  • The Fair requires that all photographs or videos taken by guests be used for their personal enjoyment ONLY. Any use, reuse or reproduction for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the Gloucester Agricultural Society at the Capital Fair is prohibited.
  • While at the Fair, guests may be photographed or videotaped for future promotional efforts by the Capital Fair.


  • Clothing with inappropriate words, phrases and/or graphics are NOT permitted.
  • Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times. Guests wearing a bikini top may not be allowed access to rides.

The views and opinions expressed by on-site exhibitors, vendors or participants are their own and do not reflect those of Capital Fair Management.

Comments? Suggestions?

Please contact us at or 613-741-FAIR (3247)