Murray Kinsley & Wicked Grin
The Entertainment StageReviewers have described this internationally touring, Maple Blues Award winning band as “stripped-down, hellaciously rockin’ new blues with the distinctive voice and guitar-work of Murray Kinsley and a rhythm section that swings with reckless, casual precision”. Much of Wicked Grin’s success is based on Murray’s stage presence and his ability to connect with and move audiences – this is what he lives for. He firmly believes that while his music is “roots rock” based, he can still deliver a message that will resonate with modern audiences, posing questions while encouraging them to dance and party on. Murray Kinsley and Wicked Grin were awarded the 2014 Maple Blues Award for “New Artist” and were a semi-finalist at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, January 2019. Their latest album “Murder Creek,” released October 2018, has earned widespread industry acclaim and was a semi-finalist for the IBC Best Self-Produced CD Award. Bassist Laura Greenberg has twice won the Maple Blues Award for Bass Player of the year.