Become a Member of the Gloucester Agricultural Society

To begin… What is the Gloucester Agricultural Society?

The Capital Fair, Ottawa’s largest regional fair is presented by the Gloucester Agricultural Society (GAS), a not-for-profit organization incorporated under the Province of Ontario Agricultural Societies Act. The society is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected by the society membership on a two-year alternating cycle at our Annual General Meeting to allow for continuity from year-to-year as Directors determine the direction and programming of the Fair and make the administrative decisions required to make the Fair happen.

Who can become a member?

Anybody over the age of 18 can become a GAS member. To be a member with a vote and the ability to be nominated as an Assistant Director one must have joined by September 30th of the current calendar year. We especially encourage our vendors, entertainers, exhibitors, and volunteers to join.

Why would I become a member?

As a member you are invited to our Annual General Meeting. where you have the chance to learn about and vote on issues related to The Capital Fair. Members also have the opportunity to be voted in as Associate Directors and Directors, where they can fully take part in all of the planning and nitty gritty that goes into making the Fair great!


A. The Society encourages interest, promotes improvements and advances the standards of agriculture, domestic industry and life. The Society shall organize and hold agricultural exhibits and award premiums and exhibit displays of farm products.

B. The Society shall reflect the community, and bring groups and individuals together in an atmosphere of enjoyment and education

C. The Society shall encourage an awareness of agriculture and to promote improvements and advance the standards of agriculture, domestic industry, the quality of life, and organize and hold agricultural exhibits and exhibit displays of farm products, reflect the community, and bring groups and individuals together in an atmosphere of enjoyment and education and conduct or promote horse races when authorized to do so by a by-law of the society. R.S.O. 1990, c. A.9, s. 28.

Further, the Society aims to provide:

A. Family participation in a recreational/educational program unique to the City of Ottawa.

B. Community groups with an opportunity to actively participate in a program designed to improve interrelations with one another, as well as sharing in the financial benefits of such an event.

C. An occasion for the public to appreciate its heritage and culture through the special programs which will be initiated, (i.e. parades, ethnic displays, agricultural content, commerce participation, performing arts, sports, etc.).

D. A vehicle for all merchants, either Ottawa oriented or outside the City boundaries, to exchange ideas and promote public relations, thereby establishing lines of communication which will encourage high marketing standards.

E. To provide enjoyment and amusement for the community.

Benefits of Membership

  • 2 Gate admissions

  • Voting privileges at our Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • Invitation to our opening ceremonies

  • Subscription to our online quarterly newsletter

  • Potential to be nominated as Associate Director and Director

  • Engagement with members of the community

Join us!